Advice from 2023 you can take into the new year
It’s been a big year for Australia’s economy, what with interest rate rises and cost of living pressures. It’s no wonder that the most-read stories brought to you by BDO were mainly about making and keeping your money.

Photo: Unsplash
Your five simple steps to a healthy super in 2023 (January 2023)
Super’s Transfer Balance Cap increase explained (May 2023)
New year, new super rules (July 2023)

New rules for super contributions. Photo: Getty
It’s a common theme and a perennial problem: how to manage and grow your retirement savings. The stories above mostly pertain to this financial year, but it always pays to check with an expert when deciding on what to do with your super.
What to consider when transferring property to family (March 2023)
Working from home? What you need to know about ATO’s new rules on deductions
Here are some practical tips on two major trends of last year that can form the basis of any plans in the next financial year. Again, seek expert advice to ensure nothing has changed.
Indexation is looming – should you pay off a HECS debt before 1 June? (May 2023)

Photo: Brett Jordan
If you didn’t, the story still has some tips to decide if paying off a HECS debt is worth more than saving for a house deposit.
How to build a board career (July 2023)
Now is the time to start considering these tips if you want to jump into a board in 2024.
Two graphs to make you rethink higher savings interest rates (October 2023)
This story was highly popular and something to ponder when you get sick of lying on the beach.