
What’s in the box? Olympic mystery memento revealed

Social media and lounge rooms across Australia have lit up with the burning question – what’s in the box presented to Olympic medalists?

Australians are happily becoming accustomed to seeing their athletes on the podium in Paris these Olympics, but each appearance begs a question.

Unlike previous Games, medal-winning athletes are being handed a narrow, unmarked, oblong box instead of the traditional flowers or wreaths at their presentations.

Social media and lounge rooms across Australia have been alive with the burning question – what’s in the box?

The answer, according to the website, is an official poster for the 2024 Paris Olympics designed by French artist Ugo Gattoni.

Photo: Getty

The poster shows a cartoon version of Paris with a picture of a big red Eiffel Tower and the Seine, surrounded by sports taking place.

Gattoni said it took him almost 2000 hours over four months to create the hand-drawn poster.

It tells the story of the Paris Olympics through a series of small details and symbolism.

Known for his playful style, Gattoni has hidden eight mascots inside the poster’s image along with iconic Paris landmarks and details of Olympic events.

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“I’m very happy with it,” he said.

Eiffel Tower iron

Of course the stars of the Olympic podium are the medals, each of which include a piece of the iconic Eiffel Tower.

The 5084 official medals cast for the Paris Olympics each contain a portion of iron in their centre sourced from metals removed from the Paris landmark during previous renovation work.

“On each medal, original iron from the Eiffel Tower was cut into a hexagon, the geometric shape that evokes France to the point of becoming its nickname. This symbol recalls the mobilisation of an entire country, beyond its capital, to offer historic Olympic and Paralympic Games,” says.

The Phryg

Olympic medal winners also receive a plush toy of the 2024 Games’ mascot, the Phryg.

The Phryg, inspired by the Phrygian cap often worn as a symbol of freedom by 18th century French revolutionaries is made at the Doudou & Compagnie factory in La Guerche-de-Bretagne.

Each mascot has either a gold, silver or bronze medal sewn into its belly to correspond with the medal each athlete will take home,  while the word “Bravo” is written in French written on its back.

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