
On radio ratings and more

Today, readers comment on ratings ups and downs, giant SUVs and grandcarers.

Max Burford and Ali Clarke have lifted Mix's breakfast ratings in a return to top form for the FM station. Photo: Mix 102.3

Max Burford and Ali Clarke have lifted Mix's breakfast ratings in a return to top form for the FM station. Photo: Mix 102.3

Commenting on the story: Radio ratings: Horror start for revamped ABC as new leader emerges

Not hard to fathom when your lead topic is ‘bubblewrap’, ‘tupperware’ or something just as deep.

I’ve listened for 20 plus years, but no more. – James Rock

Commenting on the story: The mine is bigger than yours mentality clogging our carparks

Ali, thanks for writing this!

I was about to write Wilson Parking with regards to the Festival Centre parking, where oversized car who don’t park all the way in have their front or backs (with tow bar) jutting out at the 2-way lanes going up or down the parking floors.

Cars from different directions have to give way as sometimes two cars can’t pass through at the same time. If possible I am asking if Wilson Parking can restrict small cars only for lots at the ramp and also at the bends (the pillars can make the turn challenging.)

Go for a drive and you can definitely see what I mean. – Sean Choong

Commenting on the opinion piece: Superannuation a must for SA’s foster and kinship carers

This Op Ed by Fiona Endacott is not just her opinion, it is also that of the thousands of informal primary carers of children across South Australia.

The 4800 children in  ‘Kinship Care’ quoted by government, and repeated by many, excludes informal kinship carers (Grandcarers), who are estimated to provide primary care for up to another 7000 children in SA.

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They are in the same position as formal Kinship Carers with guardianship orders (who have parental rights and limited government support), but without any carer recognition, financial support or practical resources.

The majority of these informal carers are grandparents, many of whom have already spent their superannuation savings, remortgaged their homes or sold assets to raise children when the parents are unable or unwilling to. They provide children with a safe and nurturing family environment, at a time of their lives when they should be enjoying the products of their years of toil.

Instead Grandcarers become isolated, stressed, traumatised and financially bereft, whilst doing their best to raise often traumatised children in difficult circumstances, but ensuring the children stay out of the child protection system with its high costs and dire consequences.

Grandcarers SA also calls on state and federal governments to show these Grandcarers some compassion and support them, through effective financial support and legislative recognition. – Mike Feszczak, CEO, Grandcarers SA

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