
On ‘Murray Cods’ Olympic rowers and more

Today, readers comment on a small-town team who took on the world, speed limits and taxes on housing.

Commenting on the story: The ‘raggedy’ small-town rowers who took on the world

Charlie Gilchrist’s excellent InDaily article reminds me of the also excellent documentary filmmakers Wayne Groom and Carolyn Bilsborow made about the Cods a few years ago. I see it – Paris or the Bush – opened in 2016 at Murray Bridge. – Michael Bollen

Commenting on Your views: On public transport to new subdivisions:

How ironic. The government is spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on increasing the size of intersections on Glen Osmond, Portrush and Cross Roads, with traffic flow and safety given as reasons why this should occur. Now they have acknowledged that lowering the speed limit might be an option to improve safety.

Think of what we could have done with the money. Invested in better public transport to reduce the number of vehicles on the road to further improve safety and reduce traffic congestion, for example. Not to mention the impact that this could have had in decarbonising our transport system and addressing climate change.

Traffic on Glen Osmond Road rarely reaches 60 km per hour. Lowering the speed limit will have a negligible effect on traffic flow, but will greatly enhance safety. It will also support businesses located along the road and therefore the economy.

As for pedestrians and cyclists being given preferential treatment… I suspect Bob rarely walks or rides anywhere. I think Bob and his car are hard to separate! – Nicolette Di Lernia

Commenting on the story: High tax on housing is making it harder to get into the market

Ha! What about GST on materials, labour and services? – Owen Mace

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