
Your views: on banker bubbles, rethinking the CBD and more

Today, readers comment on bankers and reality, a Central Living District, the law and the right to die, and an ecstatic ASO review.

Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock. Photo: Darren England/AAP

Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock. Photo: Darren England/AAP

Commenting on the opinion piece: Our ‘smart’ overlords need to get out of the bubble and into the food court

Nowhere did she (Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock) say that there are not people doing it tough. Note the word “aggregate” demand. That means demand across the whole economy, not just in the suburbs you named.

She was making a point that hairdressers etc have been able to put their prices up because there are still a lot of people out there who can and will pay the increase.

Think of some of the other increases during and since Covid. Have the higher petrol prices slowed down travel? For a few families, undoubtedly, but in aggregate, no.

Try instead to read what she actually trying to say. She is yelling at the Government, as loudly as she can in public: “We cannot do more without causing more pain. You, Mr Chalmers and Mr Albanese, have to do your bit. Slow immigration, cut back a bit on infrastructure to free up some tradies to build houses.”

And stop trying to cut productivity to appease your union masters!

I have no doubt that many of those inside the Canberra Bubble do not know what is going on, but based on her remarks, you cannot say that of our new RB Governor. – Bruce Macky

I look forward to the simplicity of these articles every week. It is so true those who dictate our existence have lost perspective of just how poorly we are doing collectively and those with huge pay packets or incomes are failing to “read the room”, as so well put.

I fear that so many of these so-called leaders are more focused on what they can set up for themselves in the future in the form of ongoing paid positions from what they currently hold, and stuff the rest of you. The poor can remain poor or poorer and the rich can continue to amass fortunes they don’t need and will never exhaust.

Thank you, Matthew for your sensitivity and to those others: shame, shame shame! – Wayne Smith

Commenting on the opinion piece: The CBD is an outdated notion. Let’s embrace the ‘CLD’

An excellent article by Jamie McClurg. Jane Jacobs, 1961 author of “Death and Life in Great American Cities” would thoroughly approve.

In its psychology alone, the simplicity of Jamie’s CLB idea is such a positive turnaround contrasting the eternal struggle within ‘modern’ planning systems to attract residents to settle in and enjoy the CBD.

But it makes economic sense in every respect. As a society we endure too many outdated planning notions which inhibit sensible growth and consolidation.

Now we need to get the planners and the legislators onboard while employing more urban designers, architects and landscape architects to grow liveable CLDs. – Rob Cheesman

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Commenting on the story: When you can’t argue for the right to die

Which is why I have ensured that all my medical practitioners have recorded that it is my intention to travel to Switzerland before it is too late to travel.

I have an incurable progressive auto-immune disease that progressively restricts my physical abilities. I have no close relatives in SA, and while I have many very good friends, they do not need to be burdened with my disabilities. I have seen at first hand the lack of care in a nursing home situation and I have no wish to have my bum wiped by someone else, often many hours later than appropriate.

Apart from that, there is the undeniable cost of maintaining me in a situation that I do not want to be in – this money is better spent elsewhere. – Robyn Stokes

If a person has indicated via Their Advanced Care Directive that they would prefer to end their life if at some point in their future they were suffering from a serious medical condition (such as dementia or the effects of a severe stroke or many other terrible conditions too many to list here), I believe people who have indicated what future treatment they would and would not want via an Advance Care Directive should have the right to have their wishes carried out.

I spent the final year of my father’s life with him across two hospitals and three nursing homes. My father had a severe stroke in his sleep at home and was quickly ruled to be ‘not of sound mind’. He had an ACD.

Dying was a painful and above all terrifying process for him. I would not wish it on anybody. I had no other option but to sit with him until the end. – Mark Stafford-Lee

Commenting on the Music review: The ASO’s Ecstasy

I know this concert was four weeks ago and I have given my review previously to the ASO.

I would just like to say, that I have been a regular concert attendie for over 25 years and would say this is this was true Ecstacy!

Anthony Marwood is magic to listen to. Natsuko Yoshimoto and James Ennis’ Tschiakowsky VC are close, but Anthony is something else.

Chloé van Soeterstède reminded me of a beautiful water bird encompassing the orchestra. Hopefully we will have the pleasure of listening to both artists again in the near future! – Rose Warren

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