
Your views: on finding positives in tragedy

Today, readers comment on supporting organ donation, and a Liberal Party campaign.

SA Police Commissioner Grant Stevens with son Charlie. Photo supplied by SA Police.

SA Police Commissioner Grant Stevens with son Charlie. Photo supplied by SA Police.

Commenting on the opinion piece: Out of this intense grief, there is something positive we can do

Thank you Ali. A beautiful heartfelt story. Thanks for shining the light on organ donation. – Pam Kelly

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful personal story, Ali! As a member of a family which had to decide on organ donation, I can say that it made us feel grateful that our family member was able to help someone else. I am sure that he would have felt that way too.

It’s a tragic situation that provides organ donation, but it provides another family with hope for the future, a future that sadly is no longer available to the person who is lost.

Wishing your brother a long and healthy life. – Sharon van Kempen

Thank you, Ali. You penned a very heartfelt letter and I am pleased you could share it with the world just as Grant and Emma did.

You are all amazing people so thank you for sharing. It is unimaginable grief and I don’t know how people get through, it but yours and their words help us to remember. – Pip Rasenberg

Commenting on the story: ‘Correct the record’: Botanic Gardens board berates Libs over picnic tax claims

As one of your constituents, Mr Batty, will you “correct the record” and withdraw your claim that a “picnic tax” is being introduced? – David Everett

This article describes the Trumpian campaign of fake news being adopted by the state opposition. They will do anything to try to discredit the government. – Mark Eckermann:

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