
Your views: on a SA nuclear waste site and more

Today, readers comment on a legal battle over land near Kimba, the WCH site and banning no-cause evictions.

Supplied artist impression of the nuclear waste facility earmarked for Napandee near Kimba. Image: Tom Aldahn/InDaily

Supplied artist impression of the nuclear waste facility earmarked for Napandee near Kimba. Image: Tom Aldahn/InDaily

Commenting on the opinion piece: Labor must hear Indigenous voice against Kimba nuclear site

It is intended to store long-lived intermediate level nuclear waste at Kimba until a geological disposal facility is available. This matter was deliberately downplayed in the propaganda that influenced the voters in Kimba.

‘Sealed Sources’ like the one recently lost and found in WA are also intended for Kimba. Intermediate level waste contains reactor-generated radioactive material that must be isolated for 10,000 years. No wonder the Barngarla people are resisting this imposition by the Federal Government. And no wonder many farmers in Kimba and the wider Eyre Peninsula are concerned. – Andrew Williams

Commenting on the story: REVEALED: Apartments, concert hall options for old WCH 

At last! A Concert Hall/Recital Hall. Perfect location. Though it should have been the Le Cornu site. Please, not to be called a Concert/Recital Hall. Think UKARIA … a unique name and a destination. – John Richardson

Commenting on the story: Move to ban ‘no cause’ evictions in SA

This Labour government is ridiculous by suggesting the landlord who owns the home cannot have a say around what the landlord wants to do with their assets. Will the government soon try and control our money too and tell us what we can and what we can’t spend our money on? Where are the landlords’ rights? – Jeffrey Wong

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