
Your views: On park lands heritage listing, emergencies and mine rehabilitation

Today, readers comments on the Liberal push for the park lands to be world heritage listed, the State Government’s management of the River Murray flooding, and our podcast on mine rehabilitation.

The rising River Murray at the Paringa Caravan Park. Picture Jason Katsaras/ InDaily

The rising River Murray at the Paringa Caravan Park. Picture Jason Katsaras/ InDaily

Commenting on the story: ‘Under-threat’ park lands need world heritage protection: Libs

The State Government should just get on to the outstanding nomination for state listing and list the Adelaide park lands as a state heritage area. The former Attorney-General Chris Sumner’s article in InDaily clearly exposed the history of successive governments both Labor and Liberal who look at the public land as a cheap alternative to commercial sites for more development. It amply fits the legal criteria for state heritage status. The current excuse that a conservation plan is needed is not a prerequisite for state heritage status. The historic, environmental and cultural values of the park lands need to be acknowledged by listing first before proceeding to details of a conservation plan  Please, Labor – list the Adelaide park lands first, then work out a conservation plan and then get cracking on the long road to world heritage listing. – Dr Iris Iwanicki

Isn’t this the same bloke that allowed a commercial hotel and office tower to be built in the parklands? All of this talk is a bit rich considering the record of Mr Speirs and the former government. – Kade Storey-Byrnes

Commenting on Matthew Abraham’s opinion piece: Latest crisis leads SA’s politicians into familiar waters

An entire government department given over to managing emergencies and the Labor government is bringing in a ‘consultant’ to coordinate the response to an emergency? Makes sense. – Damon Moon

Having worked closely with him, in my opinion Alex Zimmerman was superb in his role as recovery coordinator for the Cudlee Creek bushfire. He will more than earn every dollar the taxpayer pays him. Rather than criticise his appointment Matthew, I’d suggest the State Government appoint one of their own to assist him and gain a transfer of skills. Alex won’t always be available. We should be thankful he is willing to come out of retirement to take on this challenge. The communities in the Riverland will be well served by him and I wish him and those affected communities all the best. My council has sent a team to assist them and we are glad to be able to help. – Dr Jan-Claire Wisdom, mayor, Adelaide Hills Council

Comment on the Notes on Adelaide podcast: Out of sight, out of mind

Gavin Mudd’s comments skirt around the fact that many mines never really close: they cease operations when the cost of extraction becomes too great, but open again when the price of the commodity recovers. A case in point is the Kanmantoo copper mine which has had at least three phases of operation with intervening dormancy. To jump in too quickly with a total rehab program will inevitably make for greatly increased costs if and when the mine is reactivated, and the rehab is then seen as a waste of money. It can be wise to bide one’s time on commencing any rehab, and preferably use the time to conduct extensive surveys and assays to ensure that any mineral resource that remains, is well known.

This is particularly relevant to Mt Gunson, where there is still an active exploration tenement and a very real chance of discovery of further economic mineralisation. Should this materialise, any resumption of mining would be the perfect opportunity to manage the environment better, next time round. My knowledge of the various state mines departments suggests that they are far more strict in environmental matters now than they were even 30 years ago and in a sense, the best way to ‘clean up’ an old site is for it to become a viable mine again, with the cash flow that can contribute to its eventual clean-up. The bottom line here: Mt Gunson is not yet dead! – David Inkster

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