
Your views: on city council contradictions

Today, readers comment on Adelaide City Council’s inconsistent event policy decisions, and house cracks.

Aug 04, 2022, updated Aug 04, 2022
Adelaide City Council backed closing Rundle Road for four months for Illuminate, but not a four-day Bartels Road closure for the Harvest Rock festival. Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Adelaide City Council backed closing Rundle Road for four months for Illuminate, but not a four-day Bartels Road closure for the Harvest Rock festival. Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Commenting on the opinion piece: Tiny Town Hall thinking killed a park lands events solution

I think it was likely a deliberate strategy by the Team Adelaide dominated Council, knowing that the Government were considering over-ruling them, to force the Government to make the decision that might be unpopular with their CBD business constituents.

That way they can say: “We tried, it’s the government’s decision and fault, not ours.” – Sandy Wilkinson

I left Adelaide 40 yars ago because of this small city mentality. To think it still exists is amazing. Fabulous on point article. Thank goodness for sensible Adelaide thinkers. – Gilly Downes

It would be far-sighted and practical to revive the plan to close Rundle Road and expand the park land, but it would need to be done in a sophisticated and considerate way.

Rundle Park and Rymill Park are now regular venues for various events, including Gluttony and the Garden of Unearthly Delights, which is great for the east end traders and getting people into the city, but there are consequences to which the ACC and event organisers seem to be oblivious.

The most significant consequence is compromising the significance and value of the parks. Setting up structures, conducting the event, dismantling structures and restoring the park ground takes months and is totally antipathetic to the purpose of the parks. Not to mention the ugly alienating fences that surround the park and completely prevent any access or thoroughfare for the duration.

Another consequence is the detrimental impact on adjacent and nearby residents, most of whom moved to this location before the parks were converted to disrupting and noisy entertainment venues, and none of whom were ever consulted about the effect of these uses of the park lands.

But there is a solution! Close Rundle Road, convert its use to the larger venues which can be erected and dismantled without harm to the environment, set up noisy activities away from residential areas, keep the actual park open and accessible with markets, stalls, activities and shows that do not require huge fences, and create spaces full of friendly and engaging ambience.

Am I dreaming? What happens now is appalling – it could be so much better. Oh, and convert the North Terrace intersection so that it is easy for vehicles to turn right and access Dequetteville Terrace.– Barbara Fergusson

Great article. At some stage, the people who work, play and financially support Adelaide city must be able to have a say on its use.

Take your pick of poor decisions: 6-8 months construction/deconstruction of motor racing grandstands etc vs a permanent facility for multi-purpose use all year; or
netball courts with mud and gravel parking and cracked courts with warranties that ACC won’t enforce and therefore SAUCNA have to pay for – when courts are used by thousands of (especially) women and girls per week, the hardest demographic to retain in sport.

Or parklands in general which are in parts an under-utilised disgrace; or “event” parking for football and concerts; or noise from concerts; or unused banks of the Torrens that in another city would be a go-to destination, the list goes on.

The tail wags the dog and it has to stop for Adelaide to be taken seriously. – Mark Peterson

Thanks for the article. It shows the council is fixated on car transport and unwilling to engage and fund other modes of transport which all modern cities around the world and Australia are currently pursuing.

No East-West bikeway, no expansion to the tram network, no ideas or plans: accept and maintain the status quo.

I hope the councillors and Mayor are removed at the end of their term. As a inner city resident that uses the CBD almost every day, it is very frustrating that only the council area residents and business can vote in the upcoming council elections. – Christopher Colhoun

Editorial Director David Washington seems to have difficulty in understanding the logic of different decisions made by different Councils some years apart.

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There is no more reason to expect consistency of successive Council decisions than there is to expect consistency of successive Liberal and Labour governments on North Terrace. Even less in fact, because council members are supposed to be elected as independent representatives of their constituents on a four-yearly term.

Generally speaking, economic benefits from events, most of which include in-event food and beverage outlets, are illusory to city outlets, unless they are close to Rundle Street which is possibly why so many events are being thrust upon the over-worked east Park Lands.

State governments get direct benefit from economic activity through GST returns whereas Councils get nothing and in fact incur considerable expense in providing infrastructure and support for events.

It is interesting to recall that at the height of the rock festivals craze a decade ago, many multi-stage events were successively presented in Bonython Park and Council also went to great expense to set up Ellis Park for major events beginning with Cirque du Soleil – perhaps a bridge too far from the Influential landlords of the East End. – David Plumridge

It would appear that Cr Couros and her constituents who are against road closures are looking to the past, and trying to compete directly with suburban shopping centres.

This is a short-sighted strategy, and the suburban centres will always win out for the day to day purchases due to less travelling distance for most of the population. This situation will worsen with the inevitable increase in fuel costs as governments eventually raise taxes to cut fossil fuel usage.

The City must focus on those businesses that are unique, and not commonly found in suburbia. I live 50km away from the CBD, but travel into the CBD every three weeks or so (using public transport with free seniors card for the last part of the trip) to visit several of the wonderful second-hand book shops. My car parking needs are minimal, so it is not the ‘easy parking’ that attracts me. – David Inkster

Commenting on the story: Cracking up: SA’s nation-leading house faults

Bay Of Biscay soil problems have been well known for a hundred years in Adelaide, with no real solution apart from watering around the base of the foundations weekly in summer. – Patrick Secker

One of the main reasons that houses in SA are cracking is that qualified plumbers are not required to install stormwater.

Houses crack due to movement in the ground, this can exacerbated by poor stormwater installations.

South Australia has no inspections on stormwater installations and we (Master Plumbers Association of SA) want this legislated that only licensed plumbers install stormwater.

The minimal cost increase would help reduce this issue and ensure homes are more compliant to building standards similar to other states.

Facts from SA Water have proven that poor stormwater installations have caused increased costs to sewerage infrastructure proving the installs are not regulated in any way.

Master Plumbers Association of SA believe there is a part solution to this problem and we are requesting this issue is taken serious by the relevant Government agencies. – Andrew Clarke

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