
We will not stay silent

The most senior students at St Mary’s College Adelaide come together each year to make one of the most important decisions for the school: What will be the College theme for the coming year?

Abbey Hilder and Cat Dalton, St Mary's College Captains

Abbey Hilder and Cat Dalton, St Mary's College Captains

St Mary’s College Principal Clare Nocka says this overt statement of intent determines the course and focus of school-wide activities, events, fundraising and activism efforts.

“It is incorporated wherever possible into learning opportunities for all students across the College,” Principal Ms Nocka says.

“Voice is the focus of the 2020 theme, a voice of values, justice, truth and community.”

Principal Ms Nocka says St Mary’s College, which is the oldest girls’ school in South Australia, is founded in the Dominican tradition.

“At its heart, our Dominican charism is characterized by the energetic, purposeful and dynamic search for truth — Veritas — which emerges from thoughtful contemplation,” she says.

“The Dominican motto, “to contemplate and share with others the fruits of contemplation” underlines the fact that the Dominican charism is a living tradition, alive and continuing to evolve.

“The Year 12 students understand the significance of their choice and its role within today’s student body.”

Principal Ms Nocka says the school’s tagline – Empowering Young Women – is lived every day.

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“Dominicans do not sit back and passively watch the world go by, indeed our school only came into being because of the courage of seven intrepid sisters from Cabra in Ireland who undertook the year long journey to Adelaide in 1868.”

“These women left us both a legacy and duty; to speak up and judge fairly; to defend the rights of those who have the least amongst us, to be called to action, and to be the voice for the voiceless.

“I am very proud of the leadership shown by the 2020 cohort in setting an example for younger students, staff and alumni. The times are indeed a-changin’ and the power of words to drive action are more important than ever. To paraphrase Bob Dylan, our students are not stalling, they are heeding the call and aren’t afraid to rattle the walls. We can only be a better society because of their engagement.”

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