
Backing for Lord Mayor’s LGA bid

Adelaide City Council has unanimously endorsed Dr Jane Lomax-Smith’s nomination for president of the Local Government Association.

Aug 14, 2024, updated Aug 14, 2024
Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith has been endorsed by her council chamber for the presidential bid. Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith has been endorsed by her council chamber for the presidential bid. Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

At last night’s council meeting, the vote was unanimous in Lomax-Smith’s favour for the presidential candidacy.

The LGA is the peak body for local government in South Australia. The presidential role involves presiding at all general meetings, being the LGA’s principal spokesperson and representing the LGA to government, stakeholders and events.

The current LGA president is Kimba mayor Dean Johnson, whose two-year term is coming to an end. LGA Presidents alternate terms between regional and metro candidates.

Councillor Carmel Noon said she was “delighted” to see Lomax-Smith has agreed to be nominated because she is “exceptionally well-suited” for the role.

“Dr Lomax-Smith’s potential appointment would be historically significant,” she said.

“If selected she would be the first [City of Adelaide] Lord Mayor to be appointed as president of the LGA since 1968, I’m not sure if it went back further than that.”

Lomax-Smith served as a councillor from 1991–1997, and Lord Mayor from 1997–2000. After a 22-year break from Town Hall, returned after winning the Lord Mayor role once again in 2022. Photo: Angela Skujins/CityMag

Lomax-Smith is a former Labor cabinet minister, having held education and tourism portfolios in the Rann government.

Both Noon and Councillor Mark Siebentritt said they were supportive of Lomax-Smith’s nomination because of her extensive experience in local and state government.

“That ability to look back and look into the current conditions is really important for the situation many councils across the state are in,” Siebentritt said.

“I expect for the Lord Mayor often that she sits there and listens to our discussions and doesn’t necessarily agree with everything that we put forward, but she does listen to the discussion and helps guide us along to a point where we can move forward.

“I think that’s not only valuable here in this chamber, but it’ll also be helpful for the Local Government Association of South Australia.”

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Deputy Lord Mayor Keiran Snape said other councils across the state have voiced their support for Lomax-Smith to run.

According to the council agenda, Burnside, Playford and Salisbury Councils in particular have resolved to nominate Lomax-Smith for the position.

Lomax-Smith told InDaily she feels “well-supported”.

“I’m delighted to have been unanimously nominated by my council colleagues for the position of SA Local Government Association President,” she said.

“South Australian councils have many common challenges, whether they be the cost of infrastructure maintenance or balancing budgets.

“Regional councils in particular are tackling seemingly intractable issues, such as housing shortages and jetty maintenance.

“I see this as an opportunity to find practical solutions to these issues while advocating for our sector more broadly, forming meaningful partnerships and helping local governments to deliver the best services to their communities.”

Nominations will close for LGA President this Friday, 16 August, with ballots sent to councils to cast their vote between September and November and the new President will start in the role on November 22.

The annual remuneration for the LGA President for the term commencing November 2024 is $65,375. This was agreed upon by member councils at last year’s LGA Annual General Meeting. If Lomax-Smith is successful, this would be in addition to the $195,851 remuneration the City of Adelaide Lord Mayor receives, which is set by the remuneration tribunal. 

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