Pedestrian crossing upgrades announced
A series of pedestrian crossing upgrades have been announced today across Adelaide as part of the nationwide Road Safety Program.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Actuated Crossings are set to be constructed at six areas around Adelaide. Photo: Isabella Kelly / InDaily
The $168 million investment included $37 million specifically for the upgrade of footpaths, cycleways and bicycle and pedestrian crossings, including in school zones.
Actuated crossings will be built under the program at Lyndoch Road near Immanuel Lutheran School, South Road near the Airport Bikeway, Grand Junction Road on the Levels to City Bikeway, St Bernards Road near Reid Avenue, and two on Grange Road; on a shared path by Grange Lakes, and near Allenby Gardens Primary School.
Infrastructure and Transport minister Tom Koutsantonis said the government was “working with local councils to develop safe and connected routes to encourage cycling as a travel choice”.
“These new crossings will enable pedestrians and cyclists to safely get across without having to risk finding a gap in traffic,” he said.
Emergency Services minister Dan Cregan said the push-button crossings would “make it easier for those with a mobility, vision or hearing impairment to safely cross a road during peak hour traffic”.
The government said that of collisions involving pedestrians between 2018 and 2022, up to 70 per cent of deaths and serious injuries occurred between intersections, with only three per cent at pedestrian crossings.
Light MP Tony Piccolo said the Immanuel Lutheran School had shared its concerns about the “safety of children crossing Lyndoch Road”.
“We need to upgrade the current infrastructure in place to ensure motorists and pedestrians can clearly sight the crossing,” he said.
A pedestrian refuge has also been announced at St Bernards Road on the Fourth Creek walking trail.
Initial works are set to begin this week on the Lyndoch Road crossing, with works to begin on South Road next month.
Approximately 70 full-time-equivalent jobs are expected to be supported throughout construction.
The $168 million nationwide Road Safety Program has been jointly funded by the South Australian and Australian governments in a 50/50 split.