
Top parks and playgrounds win gongs for SA’s best landscape architects

An artificial lake transformed into wetlands with native plantings and Kaurna artwork has landed a Kensington Gardens project an award of excellence. See the state’s Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) award winners.

Jul 03, 2023, updated Jul 03, 2023
Kensington Wama/Kensington Gardens Reserve  Photo: Dan Schultz

Kensington Wama/Kensington Gardens Reserve Photo: Dan Schultz

Granite Island Causeway was another on the AILA winners list for its celebration of the cultural heritage of the Ngarrindjeri and Ramindjeri peoples in Victor Harbor, the new structure taking out both and Award of Excellence for Cultural Heritage and a Regional Achievement Award.

The Excellence in Land Management and the Healthy Parks Healthy People award went to the South Parklands Wetland for its impressive handling of stormwater from across three council regions, its design incorporating an amphitheatre, viewing decks and board walks at a “previously under utilised and degraded part of Adelaide’s nationally significant park lands”.

Thorndon Park Playground in the city of Campbelltown won both the Award of Excellence in the Play Spaces category and a ShadeSmart award for its inclusive design inspired by surrounding diverse bird life and its focus on creative play and storytelling.

“The simple outcomes to grow and better shape our city’s green spaces masks an increasingly complex approach that landscape architects do with remarkable efficiency, tactility and meaning,” AILA SA president Daniel Bennett said about the ceremony Friday night.

“Whilst many talk about the impacts of climate change, connecting with Country, understanding our city’s character and building better places, landscape architects are getting on with it… and the awards are living evidence of it.”

Festival Centre plaza is designed to offer a new public realm and an event space with connections to some of Adelaide’s key cultural and entertainment spaces. Photo: Dan Schultz

Civic Landscape

Adelaide Festival Plaza stage one by ARM, TCL, Aspect Studios: Landscape Architecture Award

Magill Village Redevelopment by JPE Design Studio: Landscape Architecture Award


The new Granite Island causeway is a collaboration between the State Government and the Ngarrindjeri and Ramindjeri Peoples celebrating the strong connection First Nations have to the country. Photo Sweet Lime photo.

Cultural Heritage

Granite Island Causeway by Tract in collaboration with Cox: Award of Excellence

Landscape Planning

Adelaide Garden Guide for New Homes by Clover Green Space and Green Adelaide with the State Planning Commission: Landscape Architecture Award

Aldinga Payinthi College Campus is a new birth-12 school and this project recognises the Traditional Owners and connections to Country by embedding narratives of Kaurna Culture and Country into the fabric of the college. The landscaping incorporates artworks developed with Paul Herzich, a Kaurna/Ngarrindjeri Landscape Architect & Public Artist. Photo: Swanbury Penglase

Health and Education Landscape

Aldinga Payinthi College Campus by Swanbury Penglase with Aspect Studios: Landscape Architecture Award

Blackfriars Priory School Jubilee Walkway by Swanbury Penglase: Landscape Architecture Award

St Joseph’s School Tranmere by WAX design: Landscape Architecture Award


New wetlands in the South Parklands treat stormwater from Brownhill Creek and Keswick Creek, enhancing water quality and the site’s ecological value while creating an attractive space for Adelaide Park lands users. It now has walking trails and shared paths over 2km, a large amphitheatre and mounded lawns, 200m Gabion Walling, several viewing decks and boardwalks, and Kaurna cultural interpretation carefully sited amongst the existing remnant trees and sensitive ecosystems. Photo:

Land Management

South Parklands Wetlands by TCL: Award of Excellence


Dover Street Reserve by Swanbury Penglase: Landscape Architecture Award

An artificial lake in Kensington Wama / Kensington Gardens Reserve is now a wetland in the City of Burnside’s premier reserve. There are more than 10,000 new indigenous plantings alongside remnant SA Blue Gums with new nature play, Kaurna artwork, outdoor fitness stations, a running circuit, eight reconfigured tournament-standard tennis courts and new structures including bridges, viewing decks and a wetland boardwalk. Photo: Dan Schultz

Parks and Open Space

Kensington Wama/Kensington Gardens Reserve by Aspect Studios, Southfront and the City of Burnside: Award of Excellence

Pasadena Biodiversity Corridor by Outerspace Landscape Architects, City of Mitcham and Water Technology: Landscape Architecture Award

Judges described Thorndon Park as a one-of-a-kind play space with opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, inspired by the area’s diverse bird life. Each of the four sculptural bird structures has been designed to offer a unique experience with opportunities for water play, slides, swings, and climbing. Photo: David Sievers

Play Spaces

Thorndon Park Playground by JPE Design Studio: Award of Excellence

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Small Projects

Fire Circle by TCL: Award of Excellence

Wilberforce Walk by Landskap and City of Unley: Landscape Architecture Award

Urban Design

Adelaide Festival Plaza stage one by ARM, TCL and Aspect Studios: Landscape Architecture Award

Adelaide City Skatepark by Convic: Landscape Architecture Award

Prospect Road Regeneration Project by WAX Design: Landscape Architecture Award


The new Granite Island causeway is a collaboration between the State Government and the Ngarrindjeri and Ramindjeri Peoples celebrating the strong connection First Nations have to the country. Photo: Sweet Lime photo.

Regional Achievement Award

Granite Island Causeway by Tract in collaboration with Cox: Regional Achievement Award

ShadeSmart Award

Adelaide Garden Guide for New Homes by Clover Green Space and Green Adelaide with the State Planning Commission: winner

Thorndon Park Playground by JPE Design Studio: winner

Water for Life Award

Kensington Wama/Kensington Gardens Reserve by Aspect Studios, Southfront and the City of Burnside: award

Healthy Parks Healthy People SA Award

Kensington Wama/Kensington Gardens Reserve by Aspect Studios, Southfront and the City of Burnside: award

South Parklands Wetlands by TCL: award

SA Grown People’s Choice Award

Aldinga Payinthi College Campus by Swanbury Penglase with Aspect Studios: winner

AILA SA President’s Award

City Design – City of Unley

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