The Department of Infrastructure and Transport said today that Kingston Road at Moorook had been closed to heavy vehicles greater than 15 tonnes, “to limit damage to the road surface and allow it to remain open to other traffic for as long as possible”.
Trucks are being detoured via Stott Highway and Hunter Road, with Kingston Road likely to be closed to all traffic by mid-next week.
Also likely to close soon is Taylorville Road, near Ross Lagoon and north of the Waikerie ferry. The department said the road is being “closely monitored and may need to close as soon as this weekend”.
“When this road closes, a detour via Goyder Highway and Devlins Pound Road will be in place to enable the Waikerie Ferry to remain operational for light vehicles,” the department said.
The Waikerie ferry is likely to remain operational over the coming weeks, until rising river levels make that impossible.
However, the Mannum downstream ferry will be closed from 11pm this Sunday night due to rising waters.
“The ferry is expected to remain closed while water flows remain above approximately 130 GL/day,” the department said.
Alternative crossings are ferries at Purnong and Walker Flat, or Murray Bridge.
However, the Department expects the Walker Flat and Purnong ferries to be closed mid-next week.
The Swan Reach, Morgan, Lyrup and Mannum Upstream ferries are already closed.
Meanwhile, SA Police have warned motorists to obey road closure signs and not drive through floodwaters.
“Do not drive or walk around road closure signs and do not go up onto levees,” Police said in a statement.
“Ignoring a road closure may be a risk to you and your family’s safety. Motorists should use an alternate route and take care to assess whether other roads in the area are safe to pass through.
“SA Police implores the community to drive to the conditions and never drive or ride through floodwaters.”
Updated road closures are available at: