2/7Tony Vroulis, Toula Vroulis, Professor David David, Selva Kumar and Fotini Kumar. Photo: CAPTURED by Anna
3/7Kerry Southwell, Christina Panagopoulos, Matthew Sandstrom and Michelle Kouvoussis. Photo: CAPTURED by Anna
5/7Paul Konitsis, Alexi Broikos, Cheryl Misso, Professor David David, Ian Jesse and Victor Velgush. Photo: CAPTURED by Anna
6/7Najalmeen, Danielle Parrish, Joshua Williams, James Wilson and Rebecca Czopek. Photo: CAPTURED by Anna
7/7Matthew Leung, Dr Greg Miller, Iris Xia, Daisy Liu, Will Zhong, Fatin Bon, Brett Miller, RJ Kang, Jimmy Ravelo and Craig Amor. Photo: CAPTURED by Anna