Roanna McClelland launched her debut novel and winner of the 2022 Adelaide Festival Unpublished Manuscript Award The Comforting Weight of Water at The Light Room.
1/6Sanam Amin, Sarah McLean and Indianna Elliott. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
2/6Julia Gillard, Roanna McClelland and Wendy Langton. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
3/6Carol Byrnes and Karyn Ford. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
4/6Elizabeth Tilley, Margie Steffens and Tracey Oxton. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
5/6Roanna McClelland and Lucy Hood. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
6/6Janet Bord and Ella Vines. Photo: Elle Dawson-Scott.
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