Guests attended the launch of Fluttertongue by Chelsea Farquhar, a Guildhouse Collections project in partnership with Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and Adelaide Festival Centre.
1/7Chelsea Farquhar, Inneke Taal and Charissa Davies. Photo by Sia Duff
2/7Matthew Smith, Saoirse Benson and Elaine Thomas. Photo by Sia Duff
3/7Claudia Nicholson and Frances Barrett. Photo by Sia Duff
4/7Douglas Gautier and Vincent Ciccarello. Photo by Sia Duff
5/7Susannah Sweeney and Renee Johnson. Photo by Sia Duff
6/7Kirsteen Mackay and Emma Fey. Photo by Sia Duff
7/7Anton Andreacchio and Andrew Cohen. Photo by Sia Duff
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