Tour Down Under cyclists and enthusiasts have been converging this week at the City of Adelaide Tour Village in Victoria Square, which is providing entertainment and activities throughout the Festival of Cycling.
1/11Vasa and Gerald Van Ewyk.
2/11Steve Rooney and Mike Kluge.
3/11Nula, Cormac and Brad Davis.
4/11Matthew Tognini and Tanya Birkbeck.
5/11Lucy Mayes, Emily Hanisch and Xavier Mayes.
6/11Lena Bruggenwirth and Joe Schwarwies.
7/11Leah and John Fleming.
8/11Jack and Scott Steedman.
9/11Di Laura and CJ Monger.
10/11Chris Mayo and Jim Fotiniothis.
11/11Burcu Subasi and Pina Bria.
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