
Caring for the community makes good business sense

The founder and CEO of the CareApp Group, the company that developed the app that links aged care providers with families, won the Inspiring Disrupter award presented by OTR at this year’s 40 Under 40.

Photo: Morgan Sette

Photo: Morgan Sette

As Allison Nikula watched her grandparents age she tried to find a way to remain involved and connected with them. But communication in aged care facilities was fragmented and information about care and wellbeing was poor.

The occupational therapist was leading a team of more than 440 community care workers at the time and saw other families in similar situations. 

Inspired to support Australia’s growing ageing population and keep families informed with what was happening with their loved ones, she developed CareApp. 

Allison said the app, which allows aged care providers to share photos, videos, documents, newsletters and more with families, has been picked up by more than 200 facilities across Australia. 

It is her hope the app will change the narrative in aged care and support a future where ageing is celebrated.

It has won Allison a plethora of national and international awards, including finalist in the 2019 Technology Innovation of the Year Asia Pacific Eldercare Awards, winner of the 2018 Women in Innovation Awards and placing in the Top 50 for the 2019 Australian Small Business Leader Awards.

The South Australian company has grown from a team of one to eight and is expected to announce its first global aged care customer this year.

Topics: 40 Under 40
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