
InDaily’s Young Journalist of the Year rewarded again

InDaily’s Stephanie Richards has taken out her second Young Journalist of the Year award for 2021, backing up her SA Media Awards gong by being named joint winner at the SA Press Club awards on Friday night.

Stephanie Richards. Photo: Angela Skujins

Stephanie Richards. Photo: Angela Skujins

Richards was recognised for stories about a SA magistrate being suspended over sexual harassment claims, and a far west Indigenous health group fighting to have its decaying, SA Health-owned clinic replaced.

Richards was named joint winner of the Press Club Young Journalist of the Year award with Seven’s Casey Treloar.

InDaily’s Tom Richardson was commended for his stories on Pentacostal recruitment in Liberal Party branches and highly commended in the best columnist category, taken out by News Corp’s Michael McGuire.

CityMag’s Angela Skujins was commended in the best feature category for a story on RCC pay issues, while SA Life’s Ben Kelly was highly commended for best feature photography in a story about ballooning in Central Australia.

The UniSA student journalist award went to Michelle Wakim, the recipient of the first InReview/Helpmann Academy mentorship this year.

The mentorship meant Wakim was able to develop her skills an arts reviewer, working alongside experienced writers for InReview – a not-for-profit arts project initiated by InDaily publisher Solstice Media earlier this year.

Wakim was so impressive that she has been kept on as a regular writer for InReview.

The Advertiser’s Nigel Hunt won best news report in print or digital for his exclusive on the Digance blackmail charges, News Corp’s Tricia Watkinson won best news photograph,  the ABC’s Isabel Dayman was recognised as best broadcaster in television, radio or online and the ABC’s Gabriella Marchant took out best feature and the gold award.

A lifetime achievement award was also presented to sports broadcaster Ken Cunningham.

The full list of SA Press Club 2021 awards can be found here. 

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