
SA wholesaler cuts Qantas cheese deal

Mar 23, 2015
A new Qantas contract has allowed local company Bottega Rotolo to employ four new staff.

A new Qantas contract has allowed local company Bottega Rotolo to employ four new staff.

South Australian food wholesaler Bottega Rotolo has announced a deal to supply cheese boards to Qantas economy class passengers.

Bottega Rotolo said today the catering deal would provide more than 200,000 servings between now and September.

The company’s Rosalie Hassan said the cheese boxes would include Australian and South Australian products including local cheese and accompaniments including quince jelly from Beerenberg and crackers from Tucker’s Natural.

Bottega Rotolo has been supplying a cheese box for Qantas business class for more than two years.

Hassan wouldn’t divulge the value of the contract “but I can say that it’s significant”.

“It has allowed us to employ an additional four people and that’s a direct impact, there are also obviously some benefits to Beerenberg and Tuckers,” she told InDaily.

The company will also benefit by getting its brand in front of more Qantas customers.

While the contract ends in September, Hassan is confident that it will continue after then.

– additional reporting by Mary Taylor


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