
Poem: Thirteen Ingredients

This week’s Poet’s Corner contribution is from Roger Patulny, who offers up a recipe for joy.

May 06, 2020, updated May 06, 2020

Thirteen Ingredients

Serves two, an old favourite

Preparation time:
One holiday.
1. Morning rays, fractals in dewy windowsill mint.
2. Hints of – yogurt, honey, chia, and passionfruit-flecked granola.
3. Cool chamomile, huge ice cube; suspension of orange and strawberry.
4. Summer-cycling the back-ridge track; vector the backyard cricket.
5. Bat kids off ghost gums, inverted arms, sugar-rainbow grins.
6. Midday heat, icy dill, fresh seafood, thick lemon wedges.
7. Arvo FM, garden classical, gasping gossip, Prosecco for two.
8. A sunset festival, tear-face joy, stand up, foot rub (for two).
9. Evening rosemary, slow roast, jus, field mushrooms.
10 Dark scarlet shiraz, black rose and plum, nocturne.
11. Love.
12. And garlic, of course,
13. goes with everything.
Mix thoroughly.

Roger Patulny lives in Sydney and is currently an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wollongong, where he has a research focus on social interaction, personal and urban issues. He runs two Sydney writing groups, and writes contemporary social, historical, and futurist-inspired poetry and prose fiction. He has been published in the Sydney- and Melbourne-based The Suburban Review, also in Cordite, and in a number of other print and online publications, links to which, along with those to his writing groups, can be found here.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to [email protected]. Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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